
Sold through Fine Jewelry & Gift Retail Stores

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New Retailers:

Please call, email, or complete the form below. Subject to market area availability.


Contact your local Retailer. If there is not a retail store in your area carrying Concepts®, or if you need assistance, please call, email or complete form below. Click Here to see if there is a Retailer in your area that offers Concepts®.

How Jewelry Retailers Can Purchase Our Jewelry

At Concepts, we provide helpful information for buyers who want to purchase our jewelry. As a buyer, you must be a licensed jewelry retailer in an area with no other active Concepts retailers. We only allow fine jewelry stores and reputable gift, clothing, or specialty stores to sell our products. In the United States, there is no minimum balance for established accounts. The buyer pays the brokerage fees if they purchase under 36 pairs of earrings. To compensate for brokerage charges, Canadian consumers must pay $1.65.

Buyers can purchase wholesale jewelry with Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Amex, check, money order, and COD (in the United States only). With a JBT rating of 1 or 2, the payment can be net 30 days. RJO, SJO, or CJG can buy preapproved for net 30 days, with longer terms for displays. For JBT or other histories of insufficient funds or bankruptcy, we only accept COD, money orders, or certified funds in the United States. Outside the United States and Canada, payment is with credit card only.

The factory is not open to the public; however, wholesale buyers with licensed retail outlets may schedule appointments to visit the factory in advance. We will make every effort to fulfill your request. Contact us today to buy our jewelry in bulk. For more information, view our 2021 United States catalog and Canada catalog.

Phone: 1-800-926-3277

Fax: 1-800-247-7290
